Gil’s Galavant is a Backyard ultra event that takes place at Treville Downs a 5th generation property north of Wallumbilla. Wallumbilla, a town of 300 people, is located in the Maranoa region near Roma QLD.

Birth of the Event
For some time now we have been throwing around the dream of holding our own BYU in Outback Qld. As a passionate BYU runner I understand what it takes to be inspired by a course so that you can go that extra loop. Running in nature and the tranquillity of the country provides this. Gilbert Cleland has been the custodian of the property for at least the last 60 years however he recently passed away (August 2024) and the property has now been passed on to the next generation. We have created and named this event after Gilbert to acknowledge his 86 years of commitment to “Allendale”. We want to share this environment and the beauty that outback Queensland offers whilst encouraging runners to participate and push their boundaries beyond what they ever imagined as possible.
Course Description
The course at Gil’s Galavant is a 6.71 km loop. The start and finish line will be in the cattle yards located on “Treville Downs”. The total elevation over this course is around 30m. The majority of this loop will be slashed and cleared. Runners will initially head out into the back paddock completing a loop that takes them out around a dam and eventually winds them back near the starting corral. A time when spectators and crew can see the runners and cheer them on. This is approximately the halfway point. From this point runners then head towards the front paddock eventually entering Kangaroo creek for some shade and slightly technical trail running. Runners then head towards the main entrance road to the property following this towards the old homestead. Runners will head past the retired machinery and around into the holding yards. From there the finish is within reach. The running surfaces will consist of grass, sandy loam soil, seasonal creek beds and gravel.